undefineds by Jessica Gibson

Sopra Banking Software: Building a digital future with KMC

With digitisation the endgame, Sopra Banking Software MD Richard Broadbent details how the company is helping Kensington Mortgages be digitally forward

Sopra Banking Software: Building a digital future with KMC

Cultivating connections and enhancing underprivileged lives

At Vodafone Fiji, Vikash Prasad dedicates himself to the pursuit of technological advancement to provide digital equality and equity to those most in need

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Hear all about East West Bank’s digital mission

Rakesh Nambiar

Senior managing director and chief digital officer

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Parker Shi

Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

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East West Bank: a financial bridge between the East and West

Parker Shi and Rakesh Nambiar reveal the community ties influencing EWB’s digital journey, the power of consistency, and its dedication to the underserved

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Yuval Ziv

President of Nuvei

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