Placing people and culture at the heart of business growth

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UWM’s upward trajectory has seen it through an IPO to become the largest mortgage company in the world – but it’s still grounded in its people and culture

Jason Bressler, CTO at United Wholesale Mortgage (UWM), explains how he maintains a positive workplace culture at the world’s largest mortgage company. UWM focuses on the B2B space, working with a network of brokers to ensure that borrowers receive a mortgage that suits them.

Bressler takes a uniquely personal approach, investing in entry-level staff to equip them with the tools they need to become developers or analysts. He also compiles flash cards on every one of his 1,300-strong team so that he knows them by name when they pass in the corridor. UWM bucks the trend for remote and hybrid working, instead insisting that employees are present in their Pontiac, Michigan offices five days a week. This creates a Silicon Valley-like feeling that is contributing to the gradual evolution of the local area – moving from a blue-collar community that was heavily focused around the automotive industry to a highly skilled, highly technical labour force.

Looking ahead to the future, Bressler says the future is all about “growth, growth, growth”. “We are continuing to take more market share because we're doing such a great job of educating consumers that choice is better and brokers are better. We really want to capitalise on what we've accomplished by continuing that growth.”

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