Exclusive Video: Laura Bennett, Chubb

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We speak to Chubb’s North American Digital Consumer Division President Laura Bennet, about the insurer’s digital approach to customer-centricity

Driving products to improve services for customers is where many industries are headed, no less so than the financial and insurance sectors. 

In a world of growing digitisation, it is imperative for many companies to boost customer experiences through digital innovation. 

So, we invited the President of the North American Digital Consumer Division at Chubb, Laura Bennet, to discuss how the company she represents is boosting customer-centricity through digitisation.

Fireside Chat: Chubb's customer-centric digital approach to insurance

For Bennett, the effects digitisation is starting to have on the insurtech space are only growing. 

She says: “Digitisation is really moving to the forefront of ways insurtechs and carriers are looking to affect the market. 

“It is bringing more products together, along a path to purchase, and being in exactly the right time and place to onboard customers most effectively. 

“For example, when you buy a travel ticket, or when you purchase gaming goods, having the ability to insure that product at the point of purchase is really how digitisation is moving insurance forward. 

“So these embedded insurance products is where the market is going, and I see that as a good step forward, in offering precisely what someone needs at the exact point they need it.”

For more from Bennett, you can watch the video above, where she offers further insights into the ways digitisation is boosting customer-centricity in insurance. 

To watch any of our other speakers from Fintech LIVE New York, and our interviews from Money20/20 Europe, click the link HERE.  

You can also look at our upcoming events, FinTech LIVE London and InsurTech LIVE, coming your way in November and October respectively. 


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