Money20/20: Raisin – a marketplace for banks

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Chief Client Officer & Managing Director at Raisin, Katharina Lueth, runs through how Raisin operates a unique model with its marketplace for banks

In attendance at Money20/20, FinTech Magazine speaks to Chief Client Officer & Managing Director at Raisin, Katharina Lueth, who details the company’s operating model. 

She says: “Raisin is a marketplace for savings and investments. We offer end-consumers access to high-interest rate deposit and savings accounts, as well as investment products. On the other hand, we offer banks access to diversified retail deposits.

“In this sense, Raisin is very unique. Usually, if you want to switch between savings accounts, you need to go to another bank and open a new account. But with Raisin, you have one central place where you can manage your savings, and always access the most attractive rates.”
For more on FinTech Magazine’s chat with Lueth, where she offers more in-depth detail about Raisin, you watch the video above or on the FinTech Magazine LinkedIn page.


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