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eBay Company Facts
HQ Location
San Jose, California
Employee Count
Jamie Iannone
Company Profile

eBay, founded in 1995, is a global leader in online commerce, connecting buyers and sellers across the globe through its dynamic marketplace. With headquarters in San Jose, California, eBay has established itself as a pioneering ecommerce platform that offers a diverse range of goods and services through various selling formats, including auction-style and fixed-price listings.

The platform empowers consumers and businesses alike, making it easier for individuals and enterprises to engage in commerce. eBay's consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales models provide a flexible, secure environment for transactions, fostering a community where users can buy and sell with confidence.

Under the leadership of CEO Jamie Iannone, eBay continues to innovate and expand its services to meet the evolving needs of the market. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and data analytics, eBay enhances user experience and optimises the marketplace's efficiency and accessibility.

Keywords and Services
online marketplace
consumer-to-consumer sales
business-to-consumer sales
auction-style listings
fixed-price listings